vendredi 15 avril 2011

Real Ground Division

before going further in the building modelisation, I must get some good bases for all my ground shapes, and this begin with the road graph. if it's quite easy to get the blocks limits by intersecting streets borders, it is another story to compute efficient shapes for all road elements.

And while computing some polygons on crossings and sidewalks, I can see some bugs hidding almost everywhere, because of errors in the graph generation... It's time to make a big backward step to fix the whole generation process.

The main probleme with the street shape generation is to get orthogonal road end to apply some good rectangular texture in the future, and avoid sidewalk overlapping. I first compute all the crossing polygons, then create the streets quads and finaly, extrude the sidewalks.

Implicitly, the blocks appear but must be polygonised too for the division algorithm to work.

Note that the city generation is done in 2 or 3 seconds, plus 5 seconds of rendering geometry by geometry. The FPS is low because there is no optimisation.

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